
Conflict Resolution

There’s always a
Better way

Conflict Resolution - A requisite skill to progress readily ! *

Conflict resolution aids employees identify the causes of conflict & provides techniques for managing workplace conflict.

“The Law of Win/Win says, let's not do it your way or my way; let's do it the best way.”

Conflict - seems like a negative word. Right? And conflict resolution? Definitely a positive word! Why is it that we often face conflict at different forefronts in life? For instance, professionally, we might get into a heated debate with our colleagues or our superiors for some reason. Conflicts happen when two people or a group do not settle or agree upon a common point.

You might have seen that other people tend to interfere whenever a conflict arises to help resolve it. Conflict Resolution is just this - subtly and politely disagreeing with people so that arguments are avoided.

In order to ensure that workplace conflicts do not occur, it is essential to arrange conflict resolution training for employees. The training will enable the employees and supervisors to resolve clashes at the workplace actively.

Now, when it comes to training the employees, you can apply for RILCA’s Conflict Resolution Training program. In this program, you will learn to identify the cause of the conflict and take subsequent measures to resolve it. You will also learn how to manage anger, anxiety, and other emotions at the workplace when your opinions/ ideas are rejected or any disagreement takes place.

Since it is such an important topic, let us understand it in-depth.

Conflict Resolution - What is it, and how does it affect employees at the workplace?
Conflict Resolution is a way for two parties to resolve a dispute/ argument. The dispute can be professional or personal. When a conflict occurs, it is best to address the issue directly and coordinate with the other party to resolve it.

Conflicts constantly arise in the workplace, and the inability to overcome them often leads to abusive or violent nature and devastating results. We live in a hyper-vigilant age; therefore, it is vital to remember that every employee has their own preferences. The main reason why conflicts arise is because we do not agree on particular terms.

You might have also encountered specific situations wherein two people are squabbling over culture, religion, creed, etc. We see this everywhere! The workplace is also not immune to the conflicts like these, arising due to diversity.

So, what do we do in such a situation? Check out the next section for the answer!

Conflict Resolution Training - Responding efficiently at the workplace
Now that we have talked about the conflicts arising at the workplace, here is a solution for it - Conflict Resolution Training. How?

Proactive communication is the key to preventing and resolving conflicts. In a diverse workforce, resolving conflicts can prevent escalation and enhance productivity. Conflict Resolution Training by RILCA can aid you in identifying the common causes of disputes and provide techniques for managing them.

Here is what you will learn in conflict resolution training.

  • Recognizing the cause of the conflict.
  • Knowing the typical responses to conflict.
  • Learning different styles and approaches to resolving disputes.
  • How to create an environment for honest and open employee conversation during clashes.
  • Learning to respond to workplace anger and managing your own anger.
  • Identifying the best practices for effective communication and active listening.

Skills required for resolving conflicts at the workplace
No matter the situation/ reason, you can feel conflict brewing between your co-workers, partners, or even consumers, and you don't understand whether to address it or avoid it. As much as we want to work in a company free from conflicts, we know we can’t!

But whenever a conflict arises, you can approach it differently. Conflict resolution training will help you hone the following skills to successfully manage and resolve a dispute at the workplace.

1. Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive and understand other people's emotions as well as your own. This skill is essential during conflict resolution because it prevents the situation from escalating. If you are able to interpret the feelings of the opposing party, it will be easier to communicate without aggravating them.

2. Patience
Conflicts are challenging to overcome. Research shows that every month, over 22,000 people search for ‘conflict resolution’ on the internet. Isn’t it surprising? Conflict resolution is complex because people don't like to be wrong, and in the wake of it, they often brawl with other people. Patience is the best skill to acquire while dealing with such people. Essentially, one must note that the problem might not be solved right away. Taking time to equally consider the options and opinions can help create a long-term solution.

3. Positivity
Arriving at a solution where everyone is happy is an arduous task. However, even if everyone agrees, a half-hearted compromise doesn’t motivate you much. This is why it is vital to remain positive while resolving conflicts. This will help both parties interact at ease and feel comfortable expressing their opinions.

Along with these skills, there are other complimentary skills that you will be learning in this training:

  • Using ‘yes’ & ‘and’ statements.
  • Not pointing fingers while communicating.
  • Letting the person explain themselves and listen actively.
  • Using ‘I’ statements.
  • Maintaining a calm, tranquil tone.
  • Showing the willingness to collaborate and compromise.
  • Not taking professional things personally.
  • Paying attention to non-verbal communication.
  • Knowing when to apologize and forgive.
  • Not bringing past conflicts into present conflicts.
  • Use humor when appropriate.
  • Remember the importance of the boss-employee/ colleague relationship.

Why go for Conflict Resolution Training?
Conflict Resolution is a critical skill that benefits professionals across different career paths. You might belong to any field, and this skill will help you in the long run. How? Understanding how to deal with interpersonal clashes, reconciling emotions, and resolving them are valuable practices that enhance well-being and efficiency.

To understand more about this, here are some benefits of conflict resolution training.

1. Building Relationships
Professional and personal relationships can suffer unresolved conflicts. If people struggle to resolve arguments, then the feelings may lead to abusive and explosive behaviors in future. Therefore, communication, emotional awareness, and empathy are vital elements of conflict resolution. They result in satisfying and high-functioning relationships and help prevent workplace issues.

2. Achievement of Targets
When you have conflicts with the other person at the workplace, productivity declines to a great extent. It becomes challenging to focus on work because of the ongoing conflict. Resolving these conflicts can lead to achieving short-term and long-term goals with greater efficiency. The ability to compromise, negotiate and move forward after a disagreement increases productivity and helps achieve personal and professional goals.

3. Generating New Insight
Conflicts and resolutions are equally important! People with diverse opinions can help open the doors to new ideas and innovations. Conflict resolution skills are designed to prevent arguments from escalating while continuing to discuss and appreciate everyone’s point of view. This constructive approach helps you arrive at better collaborative solutions.

Conflict resolution is critical, and learning this skill will eventually result in better decision-making, both on the personal and professional front. Research shows that more than 95% of people who take conflict resolution training adopt a positive and constructive approach to resolving issues. Also, 85% of the workforce could sort out the clashes without getting offended during the argument.

So, as you can see, the training actually helps people deal with a lot of things at the workplace. At RILCA, you can be assured that you will become the best version of yourself as you will gain the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to handle every kind of situation.

Resolving Conflicts with NLP
Learning how to communicate in a positive way can be effective for your thinking as well as mental and emotional growth. This is where NLP comes into play.

Neuro Linguistic Planning is a state-of-the-art model of knowing behavioral patterns and developing communication skills. With the correct application, we can take control of our mental and emotional resources. NLP enables you to:

  • Be influential in thinking.
  • Improve communication skills.
  • Manage thoughts and emotions wisely.
  • Discover new skills.

NLP is closely linked with conflict resolution training. How? Let's see!

Through conflict resolution training and NLP, you will have deep insights into how every person communicates. As a result, you can tailor your communication style/ method to match the other person. By doing so, both parties will feel that they are being understood. Thus, they feel comfortable sharing their concerns and issues without any conflicts.

Asking precision questions
One of the significant aspects of NLP is to ask precision questions. The main aim of posing such questions is to get truthful answers out of the other person efficiently. Incorporating NLP with conflict resolution training will help you learn to ask precision/ critical questions to find out the real cause of the conflict.

Sometimes workplace conflicts resolve readily with minimum disruption. But at times, some disputes go on for longer durations. In such situations, using NLP techniques can significantly benefit the workforce. Conflict resolution training programs by RILCA and NLP together can train the employees and equip them with relevant skills and knowledge to achieve win-win outcomes every time that benefits both parties and the company as a whole!