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Student counseling

With the rising competition, expectations, peer pressure, and personal concerns, many students feel drained out and experience a lack of direction in their lives. As a result, they feel lost, lack confidence, and become indecisive. This is where the need for student counseling steps in. Students experience bouts of emotions every day and they need someone to confide in their feelings. A counselor is the best confidante for students. A counselor is someone who helps students overcome their limitations, believe in their abilities, and reach their potential.

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Counseling shows a
clear path

Customized guidance for students has become a norm across nations. Each student’s capability is becoming a high priority for schools, colleges, and parents (a much-appreciated step by educational institutions).

A student who has an innate talent for co-curricular activities but ends up putting effort into how to get better grades eventually wastes his time and energy until the realization happens as to what he or she is good at. Therefore, the importance of timely guidance cannot be overlooked.

The metrics for evaluating a student’s overall performance in any part of the education journey (intermediate school, high school, college) are getting upgraded. A balanced approach to giving importance to studies as well as sports is becoming important in today’s time. The reason is successful individuals who are seen as leaders today focused on both their mental and physical development while pursuing their education.

Not every student is lucky enough to find his own path and be successful. This is why the need for student counseling becomes an important factor for a student to achieve his or her full potential.

Career assessment
the route to clarity!

Career assessment helps in finding the strengths and weaknesses (areas to work upon) of the student. It is not an examination. There are no right or wrong answers in this process. The assessment is used to dissect a student’s likes, dislikes, personality, interests, skills, and talents. 

The need and urgency for career counseling have increased for every student. One reason (among others) is that the verticals have been diversifying since the inception of the Internet or the World Wide Web. It increased even more (exponentially) with intermixing of globalization and localization. Besides that, each generation (Millennials, Generation X, Generation Y, or Generation Z), and the one’s to come, the behavior pattern alters. For the altered behavior, a niche vertical or industry gets created, and a new career path gets formed for people to try and experiment with.

Our career assessment tools help students narrow down to a career best suited to them. Students are provided with different career alternatives based on the assessment taken by them. Our professional counselors will interpret the results accurately and they will draft a complete roadmap for a student’s career choice.

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Importance of a
student counselor

Even though the assessment process has become advanced and completely digital, the student counselor is still crucial as he or she figures out the plus points and the ones where work is required.

For data to become information, how data can be useful needs to be figured out first. Information is when data is processed, and relevant patterns are discovered.

A student counselor becomes the showstopper for data to get converted into information, and he or she figures out which area is strong in a student, and which needs nurturing.

For that to happen, a professional student counselor is a prerequisite, otherwise, the whole assessment process would have no value. Just like driving a vehicle, the driver needs to know how to drive, similarly, the counselor’s most basic skill is to filter out the pros and cons.

Career counseling

You become what you choose in your life as a student. If you study medicine, you will most likely become a doctor, if you study architecture, you will end up becoming an architect. So, isn’t it important that you choose your best career path — a path that aligns well with your mindset and values? Even more, it’s crucial that you make this choice at the right time. We help you do this — make the perfect choice at the right time.

Our experienced and skilled coaches deliver personalized guidance and the best career assessment ecosystem. They empower students to perform better and build promising careers.  Our experts encourage students to make the best decision for themselves. We have advanced assessment tools that help students figure out the best career options for them and make a choice accordingly.

What’s unique in our student counseling service?

We have incorporated the successful techniques of life coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming along with student counseling and assessment tools.

Our student counseling program integrated with NLP modules will enable students to:

1. Become confident;
2. Face their challenges;
3. Gain clarity in their career selection’
4. Overcome stress and anxiety;
5. Perform better in academics;
6. Attain success in competitive exams
7. Boost creativity
8. Acquire a winner mindset

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